Hospitalized eleven year old turns out to be eight months pregnant

Hospitalized eleven year old turns out to be eight months pregnant

BOLU - Hürriyet

DHA Photo

An eleven year old girl hospitalized yesterday night in the Mudurnu district of Bolu province of northern Turkey turned out to be eight months pregnant, daily Hürriyet reported.

The girl was brought to the emergency room by her 25 year-old 'husband' last night, who refused to let her stay overnight when the doctors discovered her real condition.

The two had been brought together by religious ceremonies with no legal ties, since the girl's age prevented any formal marital proceedings.

Private hospital security guards tried to stop members of the press from taking pictures of the eleven year-old girl.  

The hospital did not initiate any formal processes, despite the minor's age, and sent her back home with her husband, daily Hürriyet reported.