Greek villagers block Golden Dawn handout

Greek villagers block Golden Dawn handout


Supporters of the Golden Dawn confront other protesters on Independence Day. Villagers in Thassos prevented the groups’ food distribution. AP photo

Villagers on the Greek island of Thassos have prevented the far-right Golden Dawn party from handing out free food and other basic goods.

Residents of Potamia did not let Golden Dawn members unload their truck and forced them to leave the village, shouting they were not welcome, BBC reported, citing daily To Vima.

The daily said the anti-Golden Dawn protest in Potamia was organized by the cultural center, local football team and some other residents.

Golden Dawn has staged several charity food distributions for Greeks.

Last August party activists distributed food to Greeks in central Athens, but obliged recipients to show their identity papers to prove their Greek citizenship.

Greece has seen a surge in neo-Nazi activity, with Golden Dawn winning an unprecedented 18 seats with 7 percent of the vote in June 2012 parliamentary election.