Film pokes fun of Russian tourists visiting Turkey

Film pokes fun of Russian tourists visiting Turkey

MOSCOW - Doğan News Agency

The film tels the story of two businessmen sent to Turkey by their boss. DHA photo

The Russian film “Nyanki” (Nannies), which pokes fun at the behavior of Russian visitors to Turkey, is drawing big crowds in Russia.

The film tells the story of two managers who are sent to Turkey by their boss to make business connections in the country. The boss also sends along his three children, to prevent his employee from taking a vacation instead of working. But the children get the workers into trouble, and they are forced to leave their hotel in the southern province of Antalya because of the children’s bad behavior.

Actor Nikolay Naumov aid at the film’s gala premier in Perm that the movie’s goal was to make Russians examine their behaviors in Turkey.

After viewing the trailers for the film, many Russians have begun to comment on it in Internet forums.