Experts, prosecutors on duty with temporary authorization in quake zone

Experts, prosecutors on duty with temporary authorization in quake zone

Oya Armutçu - ISTANBUL

Around 600 experts and 478 prosecutors were temporarily authorized to work in the quake zone, and no debris was removed without evidence identification and expert examination.

The Justice Ministry stated that they have completed the crime scene investigations and sampling procedures carried out under the supervision of the public prosecutor in the buildings in Adana, Diyarbakır, Şanlıurfa, Gaziantep, Kilis and Reyhanlı district of Hatay.

Civil engineers, architects, geological engineers and nearly 600 experts were assigned for examination and core sampling.

“Expert work and sampling procedures are carried out effectively and quickly under the supervision of our chief public prosecutors’ offices, and the debris is removed after the expert examination is completed,” the ministry said.

In the ongoing investigations into the buildings destroyed in the quakes or that were found to have undergone illegal zoning changes, the number of suspects increased to 221 and the number of arrests to 24.

The number of people given judicial control orders increased to 11 and five people were issued arrest warrants.

While 60 suspects were taken into custody, arrest orders were given to 54 people. It was determined that five people were abroad and 10 people died.

Actions were also taken in 309 cases related to theft, looting and fraud in the quake zone. While 124 of the 205 suspects were arrested, 25 were released with judicial control.