Doğan organic goods draw global attention

Doğan organic goods draw global attention

LONDON – Hürriyet Daily News

Doğan Holding’s Corporate Communication Director Rişe Özkan speaks in the BITC’s European CSR Award Best Practice Exchange Forum.

Doğan Organic Products is the firm behind one of the six successful projects to take place in the European CSR Award Best Practice Exchange Forum, organized by London-based Business in the Community (BITC).

Doğan Organic Products was the only participant from  Turkey at the forum, the company announced in a written  statement yesterday. BITC picked six projects out of 60 in the framework of the Corporate Social Responsibility  Europe and the details of the successful projects were shared in the forum.

Doğan Organic Products established an enterprise in  the Kelkit district of Gümüşhane province in the Black Sea region, where the majority of the young population used to  immigrate to big cities due to hard geographical conditions and old-fashion production habits. The enterprise firstly started to produce organic products and then integrated the local people into the project with contracted-farming.

“We are proud that our honorary chairman Aydın Doğan’s project, which was launched in 2002 for providing a sustainable development in Kelkit, where he was born and grew up, is confirmed by the different institutions,” Doğan Holding’s Corporate Communication Director Rişe Özkan said during the forum. While the employment problem was resolved in Kelkit, organic breeding is also expanding to Eastern Anatolia.