Directorate to send students on Umrah visit for semester break

Directorate to send students on Umrah visit for semester break


Hürriyet photo

Turkey's Directorate of Religious affairs has organized an Umrah visit to Mecca for elementary and high school students during semester break.

The Directorate has sent letters to education heads of 81 provinces requesting the announcement of an Umrah trip.  

The visit is planned as 10-day trip with five days in Mecca and five days in Medina. The letters says the expedition aims at "improving the knowledge and experience of students.” It was also give the students the chance “to visit places of significance in Islamic history.”

The Directorate requested the immediate announcement of the tour and asked for a list of students, parents and teachers who wish to take part in the trip. 

The Çaycuma office of the Educators' Union reacted to the Umrah program, saying it was an extension of the state's policy of incorporating religion into education. 

Union representative İsmet Akyol said it was unacceptable the way the Religious Directorate perceived schools as their branch offices. He said the program was against a scientific and secular education.