Dining with the British PM to cost 50,000 pounds

Dining with the British PM to cost 50,000 pounds

ISTANBUL - Hürriyet Daily News

Prime Minister David Cameron listens to a question during a question and answer session at New York University's Leonard N. Stern School of Business on the New York University campus in New York City, Thursday, March 15, 2012. (AP Photo/Mike Segar, Pool)

Citizens with 50,000 pounds to spare to the British Conservative Party can land a spot at the prime minister's dinner table, according to a recent Guardian news report.

Conservatives.com, a website affiliated with the Tories, encourages "individual Conservative supporters and members" to pay up in support of their party.

The donations can vary from 50 pounds a month as a party patron, to an annual fee of 50,000 pounds for the leader's group, members of which are invited to "join David Cameron and other senior figures from the Conservative Party at dinners, [lunches], drink receptions, election result events and important campaign lunches."

The ruling party's donor system is now a main point of debate in Britain following the revelation of footage recorded by the Sunday Times that showed the party's co-treasurer, Peter Cruddas, telling undercover reporters he could get them access to Cameron for a donation upward of 250,000.

"Two hundred grand to 250 is premier league," Curddas is caught on camera saying. "If you're unhappy about something, we will listen to you and put it into the policy committee at No. 10 – we feed all feedback to the policy committee.”

Cruddas resigned immediately after the story, while the party has begun an internal inquiry, although the reaction has yet to die down. Social media picked up on the event immediately, and Twitter campaigns, most popularly under the name #cashforcameron, have been raging online.

Cameron described the scandal as “completely unacceptable,” according to the Guardian

"This is not the way we raise money in the Conservative Party," Cameron said. "This shouldn't have happened."