Claims of oppression shake university

Claims of oppression shake university

ISTANBUL - Hürriyet Daily News
Marmara University Faculty of Communication Dean Yusuf Devran, who suspended a university student due to an entry he wrote for the popular dictionary Ekşisözlük (Sour Dictionary), has filed a complaint and started an investigation against a prominent professor, Nurçay Türkoğlu due to a comment that she wrote in her Facebook page.

A group of academics from Marmara University Faculty of Communication have released a statement claiming that Devran had turned the management of the faculty into “oppression and intimidation” for other professors, assistant professors and students.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, the academics said that although there was still a long time for her post to be ended, the former dean of the faculty, Professor Melda Cinman had been forced to quit and the current dean Yusuf Devran had been assigned in her place from another private university.

“Yusuf Devran came to the faculty from outside, and as soon as he was assigned he pushed aside the academic personnel that had been working there for years. The heads of the academic departments and most of the members of the academic board of the faculty were forced to quit by Yusuf Devran,” the statement said.

It added that by passing over the old academic staff, Devran had assigned people from his own circle to the important academic posts in the faculty.