Children taken under protection after engagement scandal

Children taken under protection after engagement scandal


Following the leaked footage of an engagement ceremony involving two children aged 8 and 9 in the southeastern province of Mardin, the parents of the children have been taken into custody, and the children were placed under the protection of the Family and Social Services Ministry.

The revelation of the engagement ceremony, which took place between an 8-year-old girl and her 9-year-old cousin in Mardin's Kızıltepe district on Oct. 16, stirred outrage, while family members claimed that the ceremony was conducted merely as a formality, fulfilling the wishes of their grandparents.

The Mardin Governor’s Office confirmed that an investigation has been initiated into the incident and that the children have been placed under protection.

Meanwhile, a detailed report shared by the local media on Oct. 17 suggested that the ceremony was not carried out upon the request of the grandparents, citing that a wedding ceremony for the children was planned for 15 days later.

The southeastern region is known for having the highest incidence of child marriages in the country, prompting the Family and Social Services Ministry to regularly work on reducing child marriage cases in the region.

A total of 668 boys and a staggering 11,520 girls were wedded last year, Minister Mahinur Özdemir Göktaş earlier said.