Break-dancing ‘Swan Lake’

Break-dancing ‘Swan Lake’

The world’s most performed show, Tchaikovsky’s classic “Swan Lake,” will entertain Turkish audiences in Istanbul and Ankara but this time, it’s got a whole new look. “Swan Lake Reloaded,” modernized by Swedish choreographer Fredrik “Benke” Rydman, will bring world famous break dance masters to the stage of “Swan Lake.” 

As a founding member of Bounce Streetdance Company and a background as a dancer in the Cullberg Ballet, Rydman has created an eclectic mixture of street and contemporary dance, fusing with modern technology to transport Swan Lake into the 21st century.

The story is thus set in the present, with the title’s main character, Rothbart, using drugs to keep control over his surroundings. The swans in Rydman’s production are prostitutes in white furs and shiny high-heeled hooker boots, all completely dependent on Rothbart’s protection and the heroine he supplies them with.

The show will be on Ankara Congresium stage between April 1 and 3, and at Istanbul’s Zorlu PSM between April 8 and 10. Tickets are available at Biletix.