Azerbaijan says Armenia violated ceasefire in Karabakh

Azerbaijan says Armenia violated ceasefire in Karabakh

BAKU- Anadolu Agency

Armenian forces in Nagorno-Karabakh violated the cease-fire and killed four Azerbaijani soldiers last week, Azerbaijani officials said on Dec. 14. 

Some Armenian soldiers remained in the forest area of Hocavend province despite agreeing to withdraw, the Defense Ministry and the State Security Service said in a joint statement.

The press release said Baku met all the conditions for the withdrawal of all armed groups, and Russia as well asked them to leave the area through loudspeakers.

Instead of leaving the region, Armenian forces have fortified their positions, and are attacking both Azerbaijani soldiers and civilians.

Armenian forces attacked Azerbaijani soldiers in Khojavend's Sur village, killing three soldiers and wounding two civilians, the statement said.

Separately, it added, a soldier was killed and a civilian was wounded near the Hadrut town on Dec. 8.

The State Security Service had to carry out an anti-terrorist operation in the region after the attacks, it said.