At least 33 migrants apprehended across country

At least 33 migrants apprehended across country


Turkish security forces have apprehended at least 33 irregular migrants across the country, authorities have confirmed.

The Coast Guard units acting on a tip-off intercepted 26 irregular migrants attempting to illegally exit Turkey on a rubber boat off the country’s western province of İzmir’s Dikili district.

The apprehended irregular migrants were sent to provincial migration authorities after routine checks.

Separately, police teams held seven foreign nationals who had entered the country illegally in the southern province of Kilis.

The foreigners were referred to provincial migration offices, while four suspects were detained for alleged human trafficking.

Turkey has been the main route for irregular migrants trying to cross to Europe, especially since 2011, the start of the Syrian civil war.

Nearly 163,000 irregular migrants were held in Turkey in 2021, according to the country’s Interior Ministry.