Ankara slams EU over Greek Cyprus row

Ankara slams EU over Greek Cyprus row

ANKARA – Hürriyet Daily News

AFP photo

The European Union’s description of Turkish protest against Greek Cyprus term presidency in the second half of 2012 as a “threat” was strongly rebuffed by Ankara who advised the 27-member union to deal with the problem it created. 

“We would like to recall that the situation surrounding the Presidency of the EU in the second half of 2012 results from political miscalculation and mistake made with regard to the 2004 enlargement,” Turkey’s Foreign Ministry said at the weekend in a statement in criticism of the EU Council Conclusions. The EU asked Turkey to fully respect the Presidency as an institution after Ankara announced it will suspend its ties with the EU during Greek Cyprus’ presidency. 

“The problem at hand is not of Turkey’s making,” the statement said, adding that it was “imperative for the EU to respond constructively to the present challenges it collectively faces.”
Turkey retains its sincere desire for a comprehensive settlement in Cyprus in the coming months, the statement said. 

“Turkey’s call was to encourage a comprehensive settlement on the island by 30 June. The perception of this call as a threat by no means reflects good will. If the EU has good will and wishes to contribute to a just settlement, it should put more pressure on the Greek Cypriots toward a comprehensive settlement.”