American teen dies posting on Facebook while driving

American teen dies posting on Facebook while driving

From online dispatches

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An 18-year-old American girl died while driving and updating her status on social network website Facebook, the Huffington Post has reported.
Taylor Sauer drove into a truck on the highway, killing herself, as she was posting on Facebook every 90 seconds while driving. Her last status update on Facebook read: "I can't discuss this now. Driving and facebooking is not safe! Haha."
Sauer's phone records revealed not only rapid Facebook activity, but a series of text messages sent and received minutes prior to the crash.
Idaho, the state in which the incident occurred, is one of 13 states that have not banned texting while driving, but a new initiative was launched following Sauer's death, the Huffington Post reported.
The state house will now take a ban into consideration after the Idaho State Senate immediately passed a prohibition after Sauer’s death.