3.6 tons of contraband tobacco seized in Turkey

3.6 tons of contraband tobacco seized in Turkey


Turkish security forces have seized some 3.6 tons of contraband tobacco in central Turkey, according to state-run Anadolu Agency.

Gendarmerie forces stopped a truck belonging to a cargo company in Niğde's Ulukışla district during regular patrols.

They confiscated 3.6 tons of contraband tobacco in the truck, the agency cited anonymous security sources as saying.

Procedural act was applied for 45 suspects allegedly involved in tobacco smuggling.

Furthermore, the security forces on March 10 seized a total of 142,581 packages of contraband cigarettes in eastern Turkey.

As part of anti-cigarette smuggling efforts, a total of 170 operations were launched between Jan. 1 and Feb. 29 in eastern Van province.

During these operations, 240 suspects were detained and eight were remanded in custody.