14-year-old girl’s uncut hair reaches astonishing 160 centimeters

14-year-old girl’s uncut hair reaches astonishing 160 centimeters


In the northern province of Bolu, a 14-year-old middle school student has grown her hair to a staggering 160 centimeters.

Zeynep Naz Satır has never had her hair cut since birth, resulting in it reaching an impressive length, equal to her own height.

Her parents, Gülcan and Mustafa Satır, recently measured Zeynep’s hair, which has become a notable feature in their community. “People usually like it very much. They say it suits me very well. I am happy too. It is a nice feeling,” Zeynep said.

She also added that she grew an attachment to her hair after growing it for years.

“I actually thought about cutting it for a while, but it is like a part of me now. I don’t think I can cut it.” Zeynep shared.

Gülcan Satır shared the story of Zeynep’s lengthy hair and her daughter’s decision to keep it.

“When she was born, I promised myself that I would not cut it until she went to school. After she started school, I told her to make her own decision,” she said. “This time she did not give up and chose to keep it. We have come to this day without cutting it. It is very difficult for me and very difficult for her to cut it from now on. It has become a part of us,” she stated.

The mother, who takes special care of her daughter’s hair, explained, “I use various oils, vitamins and keratin for her hair.”

Mustafa Satır acknowledged his daughter’s bond with her hair, and noted, “Her mother has played a significant role in maintaining it. We have told her she doesn’t need to keep it long and ‘you don't need to make such a big deal out of it,' but it doesn’t change her mind.”

“Every morning her mother braids her hair, spending at least half an hour on it.”