WSJ report cannot harm Turkey-US relations, Pentagon says

WSJ report cannot harm Turkey-US relations, Pentagon says
WSJ report cannot harm Turkey-US relations, Pentagon says

AP photo

A report published in the Wall Street Journal regarding intelligence sharing between the U.S. and Turkey will not harm the relations between the two allies, Pentagon spokesperson George Little said.

The Wall Street Journal reported on May 16 that the intelligence leading to a botched air raid by the Turkish air force that killed 34 civilians on Dec. 28 was gathered by a U.S. unmanned aerial vehicle.

The Turkish army denied the report the next day.

Little said he did not know the source of the Wall Street Journal's report. "I will not comment on the intelligence [mentioned in the report]. Leaks happen, unfortunately," he said.

Turkey and the United States have a long-lasting and powerful alliance, Little said, adding that the story published in the Wall Street Journal was "just" a story. "[This report] does not have the power to harm a rooted, strong relationship," he said.

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