Research projects unveil new history

Research projects unveil new history

ISTANBUL - Hürriyet Daily News
Research projects unveil new history

SALT has announced research projects that won a grant.

Initiated to further SALT’s commitment to experimental thought, interdisciplinary research and studies on social change and transformation from diverse perspectives, a total of 60,000 Turkish Liras has been granted to six research projects engaged in issues of the built environment, questions of modernism, politics of memory and overlooked histories. The 140 submitted applications were reviewed and assessed by a committee of five professionals, two from SALT and three from different academic programs. The committee comprised Cengiz Kırlı, Meriç Öner (SALT), Zeynep Sayın, Lorans Tanatar Baruh (SALT) and Bülent Tanju. The selected projects for 2013 include Bengü Aydın’s “A Glance at the Discussions of Modernity and ‘National Art’ in Turkey Through the Case of Painters” and Ege Berensel’s “Dinamo Mesken.” This is a research project for a multi-screen video installation that will tell the story of the only football club in the history the sport in Turkey closed down due to its name, “Dinamo Mesken.” The team was founded in a leftist suburb of Burs and were subject to investigation.