Police force young man to pose with kefiyyeh during May Day protests

Police force young man to pose with kefiyyeh during May Day protests

Police force young man to pose with kefiyyeh during May Day protests

The video footage released by the Flash TV private station shows two men surrounded by several police officers in Beşiktaş.

Istanbul police forced a young man to wear a kefiyyah (poşu) before taking his photo as evidence, during a May Day rally in Istanbul’s Beşiktaş district.

The video footage released by the Flash TV private station shows two men surrounded by several police officers in Beşiktaş. A police officer then forces one of the young men, apparently a protester who attended the May 1 rally, to wear a kefiyyah, which is generally worn by Kurds, leftists and students in Turkey.

The young man is then seen in the video removing the kefiyyeh from his neck. He reportedly told the police officers that he was a university student and was attending the rally for the first time this year.

However, the police officer is seen making him put it back on and takes a picture of the two men wearing kefiyyeh, apparently to use as evidence of participation in the protests.