Oi Va Voi sells out tickets for Jan 7 performance

Oi Va Voi sells out tickets for Jan 7 performance

ISTANBUL - Hürriyet Daily News
Oi Va Voi sells out tickets for Jan 7 performance The British Gypsy band Oi Va Oi has sold out its show tomorrow at Babylon.

The band will also be on stage at Babylon tonight at 10:30 p.m. and tickets for the show are available at Biletix booths. Oi Va Voi will give two performances on Jan. 8 and Jan. 9 as well. Oi Va Voi is the product of six soul-searching young musicians from London. With their albums “Digital Folklore” and “Laughter Through Tears,” they enter the world of Gypsies. The parents of the band’s members are Jewish immigrants, a fact that led the group to adopt the name “Oi Va Voi,” which means “Oh My God” in Yiddish.