Nobody can explain it, let me at least try

Nobody can explain it, let me at least try

Do not worry “master,” be cool. As long as such opposition parties exist, even if donkey’s years pass, it will be you again who will come out of the ballot box.

No problem; it will be you again who will hand out the tenders. It will be you again who will build the bridges. You again will design the city squares. You again will make the laws. With your matchless architectural knowledge, you again will erect the monuments. You again will select the deputies. You again will guide the media. You again will call businessmen and bring them to account. You again will make the decisions.

First be cool and take a deep breath.

This “issue” is not such an issue, “master.” We are not playing musical chairs here…

Don’t you focus too much on what the “partisan” media writes and pictures… Don’t you pay too much attention to your advisors who cannot tell you the facts… Don’t you listen too much to those friends of yours who only say, “You know the best, sir.” They do not or cannot tell you the truth.

The “Gezi Park” movement…

It is not the movement to topple you on the street of those who have realized that they cannot topple you at the ballot box. It is not a show of indigestion of those who cannot stomach you. It is not a movement of dark individuals who want to snatch the power from you by provoking the military. It is not a movement launched against your life style. It is not a movement conducted against your belief.

This movement…

It is also not an extremely complicated, very hard to solve, darkness oriented, dishonest, tricky movement whose roots are to be found outside the country. It is not a movement of the Republican People’s Party (CHP), Workers’ Party (İP) or a movement that has no empathy…

This is a very simple movement…

It is a very plain, very understandable, very clear, very transparent, very childish, very naïve, much uncalculated, very random movement.

“Master…” Those kids who take to the streets, these kids… You know what they are telling you: Leave me alone.

Do not declare your ideas, in a respectful or disrespectful way, about how I should sit at the park, how I should behave in the metro, how I should live, how I should talk, how I should dress, how I should think, what I should eat and drink.

Do not scold me… Do not talk to me from a haughty tone…

You are not our father… Do not put on airs of a father…

Even if you were our father… While all those real family fathers are openly having difficulty trying to make two of their children listen to them, how can you make yourself listened to by 75 million children?

Just as we are respecting your lifestyle; you also should respect our lifestyle.

The “from Kasımpaşa/bullish” style of yours that was accepted within certain boundaries during your first terms, that was even welcomed, has now started to become something else… Because you are using that style now not to defend your own just cause but to offend those who are after their rights.

You cannot melt in one pot a thousand mentalities, a thousand beliefs, a thousand types of outfits, a thousand styles of entertainment, a thousand moral concepts, a thousand historical perceptions, a thousand colors and a thousand flowers. You cannot do it even if everybody wants this. Technically, you cannot do it. Give it up.

Respect those I love.

Do not call them “drunkard, alcoholic, marauder,” do not say “they are ideological.”

One person, one person alone cannot be both an architectural genius, moral philosopher, city square designer, conqueror of the Middle East, champion of changing the agenda, medical doctor, social engineering guru, religion scholar, addiction expert, life coach of 75 million and a television critic. If one attempts to be all this, then a breakdown will occur. You’d better give it up.

Now, it is only down to the Reuters reporter who is able to ask the question that would make you angry. Do not try to suppress the media. Let the media do its work freely.

Do not say, “I have made my decision; it will happen.” Do not regard all the votes you have received at the ballot box as if they were a general license for you to act according to your whims for five years.

Do not be stubborn, discuss… Do not make people hate; make them love… Do not make them take opposing fronts, merge them. Do not insist on being self-opinionated, learn to be flexible… Do not be the prime minister of only those who have voted for you; also be the prime minister of those who have not voted for you…

Do not gas us… Do not make others gas us…