Letter to the editor: Thank you Türkiye!

Letter to the editor: Thank you Türkiye!

Kayse Yusuf
I read your recent article on Somalia on the Hürriyet Daily News and I just wanted to say that Somalis are always grateful to Turkey, Turkish people and their government. Somalia and Turkey have had long history of friendship and today we are happy that Turkey is there for us.

Today we want Turks to know we share same vision. In 1500s you were there for us and today you are here for us again. Our people always say; if Turkey is down, Somalia is down. Your growth is Somalia’s growth. Your achievements are our achievements, your happiness is ours and we want the world for Turkey and Turks.

We want Turks to invest in Somalia and we will welcome you and learn from you. Your forefathers are buried in our land and history has not forgotten them. Turkish icons stand in our cities such as Zeila, Berbera and even Mogadishu.

Thanks for the coverage and positive story. Standby us, I know its tough time but true friends are the ones beside you during those times. Turks are powerful and strong warriors.

Thanks Hürriyet, thanks Türkiye.