Former top general repudiates all charges

Former top general repudiates all charges

ISTANBUL - Hürriyet
Former top general repudiates all charges

İlker Başbuğ was arrested by order of the court Jan. 6. AFP Photo

Former Turkish Chief of General Staff İlker Başbuğ flatly denied all charges leveled against him in an Istanbul court in connection with the ongoing Internet Memorandum case.

“I want these accusations leveled against a chief of staff to be noted down in history. No punishment could be graver than these accusations,” Başbuğ told specially authorized prosecutor Cihan Kansız during his testimony.

Başbuğ said he ordered an investigation into the matter when the names of the websites in question first appeared in press on Feb. 4, 2009, and it was subsequently concluded the websites’ activities were in conflict with a law passed in 2007. The websites’ activities were terminated on this date, he said.

Turkey’s former top general further claimed he did not even have a computer in his room during the time period in question and was supplied with no information or proposals regarding the websites’ content.
Başbuğ also repudiated claims the “Action Plan to Combat Reactionism” was prepared in accordance with the directives he had issued. Başbuğ was arrested by order of the court Jan. 6 on charges of “attempting to overthrow the government by force” and “leading a criminal organization.”