Esra Rotthof exhibition at Empire Project

Esra Rotthof exhibition at Empire Project

Berlin-based artist Esra Rotthoff opened her latest series “Muse/ Fling” at The Empire Project on Sept. 18.
In the first exhibition of the season, the artist delves into a near method-based journey exploring the relationship between artist and muse.

The show makes use of a variety of mediums including photography as well as video; simply put this is a hybrid between performance piece and soulful portraiture with the singular vehicle of exchange focusing on a kiss.

Yet the show also affords the opportunity to see previous exchanges between the creator and inspiration, taking the audience along on the ride to peer through a key

hole at the different facets, faces and transitions of her subjects. There is an engaging contrast inherently present throughout Rotthoffs photographs, covered in a disarming shiny magazine style package, allowing the casual viewer to be subverted covertly. Yet the anonymous air that this style imposes in advertising is here used as a hook where the true character of the subject shines through. It will continue until Nov. 2.