CHP slams ‘rule of cleptocracy' by AKP

CHP slams ‘rule of cleptocracy' by AKP

ANKARA - Hurriyet Daily News

Kiliçdaroglu has accused the government of establishing an ‘autocratic cleptocracy.’

Main opposition leader Kemal Kiliçdaroglu said yesterday that Turkey had become an “autocratic cleptocracy” under the Justice and Development Party (AKP), as opposition anger simmered over government efforts to shield intelligence officials from judicial investigation.

“If the nation’s powers are seized and the country’s resources are handed out to government cronies, it means an autocratic cleptocracy. Such systems have never survived and this one will not either,” the Republican People’s Party (CHP) leader wrote on his Twitter page.

His remarks came after the AKP pushed a controversial amendment to the act regulating the National Intelligence Organization (MIT) through Parliament’s Justice Commission, overriding strong objections from the opposition. Under the draft, the prime minister’s permission would be required for probes, not only into MÝT officials but also into any people assigned to “special tasks” by the prime minister.

CHP deputy group chairman Muharrem Ince urged AKP deputies to vote against the bill when it comes to the General Assembly and called on President Abdullah Gül to use his veto if it is eventually passed.

CHP deputy chairman Gürsel Tekin, for his part, suggested Gül should step in to resolve what he described as “a state crisis” and convene a meeting with the leaders of the four political parties in Parliament.

The Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) also called for the AKP to withdraw the bill. “To set up gangs has become legitimate for the government and the AKP. Every word of the premier will become law from now on. A one-man state is being legalized,” MHP’s Oktay Vural said.