Barbur and İlhan Erşahin on stage together

Barbur and İlhan Erşahin on stage together

Barbur and İlhan Erşahin on stage together Jehan Barbur and İlhan Erşahin are preparing a special performance for the Akbank Jazz festival at Caddebostan Culture Center (CKM). Jehan Barbur has become an important name over the course of six years. She succeeded in creating a unique audience with her fairytale-like songs and her singer-songwriter abilities. Barbur, who is also known for her compositions for theater pieces and TV series, sings from her wide repertoire ranging from jazz to popular music. In this performance, Çağrı Sertel will be the guest act of the night. İlhan Erşahin will be on stage at Babylon after appearing with Jehan Barbur. With the Istanbul Sessions project, İlhan Erşahin reflects Istanbul’s eclectic spirit in his own style by combining jazz, rock and dance elements. Since 2006, the band has performed at a variety of prestigious stages and festivals, from Europe’s leading festivals to Brazil, Istanbul to New York’s Summer Stage. In 2009, İlhan Erşahin and his band released their first album with renowned trumpeter Erik Truffaz and lately released their latest album, Night Rider, in 2012. On the same day, the festival will be hosting a panel on Jazz and Technology. The focus will be on the relationship between jazz and technology. This seminar will be hosted by long-time radio programmer and music writer Hülya Tunçağ.

The participants in the panel are: Baki Duyarlar (Pianist), Yahha Dai (saxophonist), Şevket Akıncı (Guitarist)