47 percent of Netflix users in Turkey prefer watching TV to having a conversation: Research

47 percent of Netflix users in Turkey prefer watching TV to having a conversation: Research

47 percent of Netflix users in Turkey prefer watching TV to having a conversation: Research


Some 47 percent of Netflix users in Turkey say it is more important for them to “watch films and TV series than have a conversation,” according to a recent survey by the company spanning 22 countries.

This percentage was the highest among all surveyed countries.

According to the survey, which was conducted with a total of 37,050 people around the world.

Some 77 percent of Netflix users in Turkey say they use the platform while on the move using a mobile phone or tablet. This is higher than the global average of 67 percent of Netflix users.

Another striking finding from the survey is that seven percent of Turkish respondents said they even watch Netflix on their mobile phone or tablet while on the toilet.

The survey also revealed that in Turkey nearly half (43 percent) of those watching on the go have caught a “backseat binger” trying to snoop on their screen as they watch.

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