Plurality of voices, a first for Egypt

Plurality of voices, a first for Egypt

There is certainly a great deal at stake. Less than two weeks to go, as Egyptians prepare to make their mark on their own history for the first time, at least in my own lifetime. The country is buzzing, the country is alive. Undoubtedly, we all have cause to be apprehensive and anxious. The past ten months have been literally unbelievable. I can only be grateful to have lived to see this day. The air is tense with excitement. November 28 will be a day to remember for many. For the first time, even with the best speculations, no one can predict the results. Many try and as they do a thriving debate unfolds. As the late starting electoral race continues most Egyptians of my generation are realizing that their vote will actually count for the first time. The younger are sure they will make a difference. The most amazing phenomenon so far has been the new and young faces showing up on the billboards and the campaign banners. Calls for a parliament of the revolution prevail.
 The struggle for freedom, justice and food security is far from over. No one expects that to be resolved only by casting votes. It would be truly unrealistic to expect that the results of the upcoming elections will completely change life for Egyptians. It is equally blind not to be able to see the unprecedented changes that have and are taking place. It is possible that our ability to see the new and first time occurrences is impaired because much of the old and ending is still quite present. The process of replacement will take its due time and course not without setbacks and some unavoidable, sometimes even necessary cloudiness. For ten whole months we have been witnessing the changes. The movement is undeniable even if the direction is not yet as clear. The first 18 days certainly presented many firsts for Egypt, the Egyptians and even beyond. For a fact since January 25, life has changed in Egypt. It has been the end and the beginning of much. The ripples continue.
 For this week alone, political debates, rallies, candidates reaching out to people in their districts, awareness campaigns are but some of the new that Egyptians were not accustomed to. The plurality of voices is a first. The direction will be determined very much by Egyptians regardless of all other attempts to intervene, only when all eligible, close to 50 million Egyptians make their voices heard. The upcoming elections offer them this first time chance. The only operative word now is Vote.
 Less than two weeks to go but don’t hold your breath, much else is happening and even more will, far beyond the coming first time real parliament elections. If one would only observe the change in energy, the awakening of the mind, heart and soul of Egypt, many would be reassured. The shy return of the values of goodness, care for others, unity and solidarity, respect for self and other, critical thinking, and seeking information, that have surfaced will gain more strength and confidence.
 Amidst the dark comes the ray of light that ignites the hope in a better future for Egypt.