The meaning of 60 percent

The meaning of 60 percent

“Sixty percent” is very important. It should never be underestimated. After an election campaign in which the president, the prime minister, the cabinet ministers, governors, district governors, pro-government media, state airplanes, state helicopters and even the Directorate of Religious Affairs (Diyanet) were mobilized to form a “one-man regime,” 60 percent of the electorate said “No.”

However, that 60 percent did not say: “The three unlikely political parties should unite to throw the 40 percent into the trash can.”

The two plain, simple and clear messages of the “60 percent” are these: First, he should give up his ambition of forming a one-man regime. Second, a coalition should be formed with Justice and Development Party (AK Party) as the biggest partner. 

Whoever does not understand and interpret the “60 percent” as such will absolutely end up being among the losers. 

On Süleyman Demirel 

Our 9th President Süleyman Demirel really did have plenty of tolerance. But unfortunately he did not extend that famous tolerance of his to Merve Kavakçı, the elected deputy who was forced to lose her seat in parliament because of the headscarf she wore. Demirel demonstrated the cruelest attitude in his political career to Kavakçı. 

Truly, Demirel did not have a vengeful and angry character. But unfortunately he took the lead in the approval of the notorious hanging of three young men in the 1970s, reciprocating three executions in the 1960s. 

Truly, Demirel did not have an “accreditation mentality.” He was open to everyone. But unfortunately, just like Sezer, Gül, and Erdoğan, he also never once invited me to the Çankaya Presidential Mansion.
Truly, Demirel had an inclusive, embracing attitude. But unfortunately he said headscarf wearing girl students “should go to Saudi Arabia.” He was able to utter these words.  

Truly, Demirel was a man of the people. But when he became the head of the republic, the president, he turned his face to the state, not to the people. 

However, those who came after him were so intolerant, so in favor of accreditation, so vengeful, so exclusive and so pro-state that we now hanker after good old Süleyman Demirel. 

Partially because of this, I remember him with gratitude. 

May God rest his soul. 

What about Sisi’s financer? 

I love it when the rulers of our country display the fiercest reaction against that modern pharaoh, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, who wants to hang Mohamed Morsi.  

But when it comes to the biggest financer of modern pharaoh Sisi, Saudi Arabia, the tongues of the rulers of our country all go silent. 

Nobody says, “Hey you, the financer of the coup! Hey you, the force that keeps the modern pharaoh on his feet! Hey, the king of Saudi Arabia!”

Actually I don’t love it so much. 

Let me address those pro-government NGOs:

Since the government that you stand on the same line with says nothing to the financer of the cruelty, you at least should step up and say something. 

Perhaps just lay a black wreath at Saudi Arabia’s diplomatic missions in Ankara or Istanbul?

Don’t be so pro-government or pro-state. Do something to deserve the title “nongovernmental.”

Meanwhile, a campaign has been launched to free Morsi, the elected president of Egypt. I signed it right away. 

I am calling on all my readers to support this global campaign. Go to the address “” and sign the petition. Slap the coup stager, oppose the forceful toppling of an elected leader, say no to those who attempt to sentence elected representatives to death, take sides with democracy - whatever the circumstances.

Come on, let’s all sign altogether.