Marketing technologies on the rise

Marketing technologies on the rise

It is well-known by the advertising industry that marketing technologies are gaining more and more importance as time passes. People are demanding multiple screens and demand to see everything tailored to their own interests. Creating a TV commercial does not satisfy the thirst for customization. 

For a company to gain valuable attention time from its target group, the company should utilize the power of big data to present timely advertising to its prospective customers. 

On the business side, advertisers are waiting to use solutions from their advertising companies. The multi-billion-dollar industry is undergoing a complete makeover and even the awards are changing. 

The following information is from the Cannes advertising competition, the Oscars of the creative class. They have new awards for digital and mobile advertising. 

‘Digital Craft Lions’

The popularity of digital technologies and their ability to gather vast amounts of consumer data has meant a change in attitude toward the role of digital design and user experience. From desktop to mobile, to virtual reality and beyond, digital design is now more than ever driven by user need and point of access. How a digital product performs and functions is just as important now as how it looks and feels. The “Digital Craft Lion” is a new award for 2016 which will recognize and celebrate the skill and artistry required in omni-channel digital creativity.

‘Cyber Lions’

With sociality continuing to be a fundamental part of the digital experience, Cyber Lions have refined and redefined their social categories to reflect the ever-evolving industry. Two new categories have been added in the form of “Social Business” and “Social Purpose,” while native advertising has been “strategically placed” in its new home under the online advertising section.

‘Mobile Lions’

As mobile devices mature, both as a platform and a digital tool set, so too do the Mobile Lions. Websites, games, apps and rich media have all undergone changes to account for the latest trends. A social overhaul includes expanding and redefining the social categories to keep things relevant and current. Plus, some new categories have been added which acknowledge the introduction of new mobile technology. 

Turkey’s biggest achievement in Cannes came last year with a mobile application. I hope that this year there will be many more awards to celebrate by the Turkish advertising industry.