Game of thrones in Turkey continues

Game of thrones in Turkey continues

Utopia discussions are quite helpful, particularly in pseudo democracies because the risk of persecution is always at levels that cannot be ignored. There might be people willing to test the limits and continue describing an apple as an apple but there is nothing wrong if one describes an apple as a small, ball-like, tasty, juicy fruit which might be sour or sweet and may be found in many colors, from red to yellow or green.

If we look at the apple we have in our hands, there is a short guy with an almond mustache and a consolidated habit of trying to fulfill every order of his master. He has been talking in a fashion imitating his master but not only is he half the size of his master, his religious knowledge might be far greater, yet he was not an imam. Anyhow, to become a “political phenomenon” it requires more than knowledge.

I have come to the limits again. The real world might be very dangerous, let me move on to utopia once again. In that small utopia world of myself, there was an absolute chief executive who, despite constitutional and traditional limitations, has been dreaming of acquiring full control of everything, the entire riches of the country, all precious lands and of course the power to become the boss of not only the executive but also the judiciary, legislative, media, public opinion companies, muhtars, soldiers, bureaucracy - that is, virtually everything.

Aspiring to become the “absolute boss” or the “sole power” of the land and hoping to acquire that power through the “free will” of the electorate through democratic means was a very difficult game to play. Thus, the tall, bold, bald and all the time ready to explode chief executive built his glass palace brick by brick, fooling people to look elsewhere and making them develop some great expectations. Anyhow, the international conjecture was just ripe for that. There was a surplus of funds. With a clever “value added economy” understanding, that is exploitation of resources rather than investments in the production sector, billions of hard currency flooded the country, which turned into a forest of skyscrapers, a square meter of which could buy an entire village.

The chief executive wanted not only to become the “elected sultan” of his not so small country, but also expand it to encompass some of its former imperial boundaries. Civil war and turbulences in most neighboring countries were serving that appetite well anyhow. Yet, he not only underestimated or grossly ignored the commitment to democracy of the people of his land, he could also not see the changing international climate or the growing antipathy towards he and his country in neighboring lands.

Sectarian politics, very much like abetting terrorism, have always been self-destructive. If a group of people were denied certain rights at home but relatives of the same group of people were considered best allies of that country in the neighboring lands, obviously there was an exhausting incompatibility. The end result, unavoidably, could only be failure at home and failure abroad.

The people of the land of the leader with the super-blown ego, at one point, could no longer remain in that coma-like deep sleep, woke up and said “no” to the “all mine, and only mine” obsession. The political crutch was there to help. With some palliative moves and with great contributions of the ultra-nationalist crutch, the absolute leader managed to avoid the immediate post-election crisis, spent some time without nominating a prime minister and then designated someone not to form a government but to exhaust the constitutional 45 days so that he could force the country to a new election…

The designated premier spent forty days testing one after the other all the impossible options he might think of. As the aim was not to establish a working coalition but just to kill time, when offered a reasonable coalition formula by the main opposition party he carelessly turned it with the back of his hand.

Could the absolute leader designate someone else to form the government? No way. That was not intended at all. The absolute leader, in all ignorance of democratic traditions, turned his back to the main opposition and designated once again the embattled premier to form a government. Why would he test something which had already failed? Just to avoid a “repeat election” in which all parties of the utopia state must participate on the basis of their parliamentary strength.

The end result? The game of thrones is not yet over.