Ethnic tension rises in southern province Dalyan

Ethnic tension rises in southern province Dalyan

MUĞLA - Doğan News Agency
A fight erupted in the southern town of Dalyan in Muğla province between a Kurdish business and locals who had allegedly been denied service, adding to a growing list of examples which highlight a trend of ethnic intolerance in Turkey. The incident has drawn reaction from Turkey main opposition party, which cited the incident as proof a solution to the Kurdish issue must be found in the Parliament.

A fight involving stones and sticks broke out between a restaurant staff and locals, leaving three people injured and 20 people detained by local police. The district governor, district police chief and district gendarmerie commander were forced to intervene to bring an end to the clash.

The incident has been used as an example for why a resolution to the Kurdish issue must be found in the Parliament. “The recent incidents in Istanbul’s Şişli district and this incident show that there is an ethnic intolerance present. We see that there is a need to search for solutions to these issues in the Parliament,” CHP deputy chair Sezgin Tanrıkulu said. A fight occurred in Istanbul’s Şişli district last week between Turkish residents in the district and Kurdish construction workers.