Victoria’s Secret model in Istanbul

Victoria’s Secret model in Istanbul

ISTANBUL - Anatolia News Agency

Ana Beatriz Barros. DHA photo

Victoria’s Secret model Ana Beatriz Barros arrived in Turkey on Feb. 9 for the Istanbul Fashion Week. Speaking to press members in the airport, Barros answered the questions of press members at a press conference.

The Brazilian model said she had come to Turkey a few times before, and that its food, architecture and people were very beautiful. “I love Turkey so much,” she said.

Barros said that she had traveled the Turkish coasts by boat during one of her holidays, and continued, “This time I visited the Sultanahmet Mosque and the Egyptian Bazaar. I also shopped in the Grand Bazaar. I love jewelry, so I love the Grand Bazaar. Istanbul is cold and snowy right now, but it is very beautiful. I want to come here again in summer.”

Barros said that Turkish and Brazilian people resembled each other. “People in both countries are very friendly.” She said that she had lots of fans in Turkey and that she had many Turkish followers on Twitter.
Answering a question about the star and crescent tattoo on her left ankle, Barros said, “It’s kind of a family symbol.”