Turkish singer loses 182 kilograms in nine years

Turkish singer loses 182 kilograms in nine years


Hürriyet photo

Turkish singer Sibel Can announced that she lost five kilograms ahead of her album release on March 31, meaning that she has lost a total of 182 kilograms over a span of nine years. 
Can said in December 2010 that she had lost 15 kilograms before another album launch; before that, she had announced that she lost seven kilos ahead of another record launch in 2009.
The Turkish tabloid press started following Can's dietary quests after she announced in 2003 that she lost 42 kilograms in two years. Over the past nine years of Can's fluctuating weight, she has lost a total of 182 kilograms.

Can reportedly lost weight through a variety of diets over the years, including the Kimo diet, cabbage soup and squash soup diets, the Montignac and Momentum diets, as well as an apple vinegar diet. She joined weight loss camps three times and underwent a liposuction procedure once.