Protesters call for return of teen involved in fatal Istanbul crash

Protesters call for return of teen involved in fatal Istanbul crash


Dozens of drivers have staged a protest dubbed a "justice convoy," calling on the 17-year-old who fled abroad after causing a fatal accident on March 1 to return to the country.

The teenager has been smuggled to the U.S. by his mother, a known writer, following the car crash that claimed one life and left several others injured in Istanbul.

The incident involved a group of five friends traveling on ATV-type vehicles when a luxury jeep collided with them. Oğuz Murat Avcı succumbed to his injuries at the hospital, while four others remain hospitalized.

Justice Minister Yılmaz Tunç then announced via X late on March 7 that Türkiye had sent a provisional arrest request for the extradition of both the mother and son to the U.S., where they were reported to have headed after leaving Egypt.

The family and friends of Acı also participated in the protest as the convoy of off-road vehicles passed by the residence where the teenage suspect lived before the incident, with honks and sirens blaring.

Arriving at the site of the accident, the group left flowers in the area.

"He was like a beloved elder brother to us. We've been living in agony for a week now. Our only wish is for them to come forward and surrender. We harbor no ill intentions. Let them come and face justice," said Burak Yıldırım, a friend of Acı.

With the incident sparking nationwide debate and criticism, writer Eylem Tok, the mother of the teenager, made a written statement saying, “My son has never the idea of running away from accusations. We will return and surrender to justice.”