Police bring down gang making illegal profit of 500 million liras

Police bring down gang making illegal profit of 500 million liras

Fevzi Kızılkoyun - ANKARA

After pretending to hire a group of unemployed people with high wages in contract companies, an illegal gang that have taken loans on behalf of the victims have made a profit of 500 million Turkish Liras ($25.8 million).

In the operation carried out against the “sunk credit” gang in the capital Ankara, it was determined that the gang found unemployed people and took out large amounts in loans on their behalf.

The police’s anti-organized crime units caught 70 people, including gang leader Raşit K., a former bank employee fired for embezzlement, and Seyit D. who worked in civil registry.

Raşit K., Seyit D. and 15 gang members were arrested, while the police units also revealed that the gang made a profit of 500 million liras by using the same scenario to be able to take out loans.

The Ankara-based gang reached people who had no assets, experienced financial difficulties or were unemployed through its members in different provinces.

These victims were directed to Ankara with the promise of hiring them. The members of the organization made high-level promises by picking up the guest from the airport in luxury vehicles, placing them in five-star hotels and hosting them in popular venues.

The gang leader pretended to employ these people with high salaries in the 15 contract companies they had founded.

High payments were made to the accounts under the name of salaries. Hence, the credit scores of the victims were increased.

Large amounts of credit were drawn from several banks at the same time through the people whose credit scores were improved.

When the banks started legal process for the unpaid loans, it was revealed that previously stated addresses were fake, and the companies were outsourced.

Now, the money the gang illegally obtained is being traced.

Gang member Pınar E. stated that everyone in the illegal organization has a responsibility in a hierarchical structure.

The duties consisted of “accommodation, address-population affairs, opening accounts in banks, obtaining loans and finding new people,” she stated.