Plans for Erdoğan’s birthday celebration notice to schools probed by CHP

Plans for Erdoğan’s birthday celebration notice to schools probed by CHP


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The main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) has submitted a parliamentary question addressed to Education Minister Nabi Avcı over whether he gave permission for a notice demanding that students from local schools march in celebration of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s birthday at the presidential palace. 

CHP deputy Levent Gök submitted questions over media reports that the Etimesgut district education directorate had sent a notice to several schools in Ankara to make 2023 students march at the presidential palace on Feb. 26 in celebration of Erdoğan’s birthday. The year 2023 is symbolic for the government as it marks the centenary of the Turkish Republic.

Gök asked whether Avcı planned to withdraw the notice and asked whether he considered how students and teachers attending the ceremony would be affected at a time of heightened terror threats in the city. 

Media reports said the Etimesgut education directorate sent a notice, signed by its head Tugay Gözüm, to several schools demanding that they to send students to Erdoğan’s birthday ceremonies. According to the plan, students and teachers will march from the Beştepe Gendermerie Command building to the presidential palace on Feb. 26.

Meanwhile, CHP Istanbul deputy Gürsel Tekin said in a written statement that he will file a criminal complaint against the authorities unless the notice is withdrawn. Recalling that the right to education is protected by the constitution, Tekin claimed that the notice violates this right.