Photo of little girl’s ‘holding on to life’ touches hearts

Photo of little girl’s ‘holding on to life’ touches hearts


A photograph of a three-year-old girl, Elif Perinçek, holding tightly on to her rescuer’s hand 65 hours after being rescued from beneath the rubble on Nov. 2, has touched the hearts of many people who have shared their heartfelt messages on social media.

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan posted Elif’s photo and wrote, “Get well soon, my little one,” on his Twitter account.

Addressing the photo, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, the leader of the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP), also said, “You are our hope, my dear girl.”

Expressing his feelings, Environment and Urbanization Minister Murat Kurum said, “We will never leave that hand.”

A well-known author, Ahmet Ümit, expressed his feelings over the photo, too. “Life starts once again when they say it is over.”

A prominent actress, Hülya Koçyiğit said, “You made us smile today, Elif, may God make you smile for the rest of your life.”

“I kiss your hands of cotton. It is never enough how much we pray for you,” noted another well-known actress, Bergüzar Korel.

“We really needed some happy endings,” another acclaimed actress, Defne Samyeli, said.

“This is the most beautiful family photo of a nation,” noted Ertuğrul Özkök, a columnist for daily Hürriyet.

Sedat Ergin, another columnist for daily Hürriyet, said, “The photo reminds us not to give up.”

Muammer Çelik, the firefighter who rescued Elif, was very happy. He told daily Hürriyet what he talked with Elif’s father just before the rescue.

“His father told me, ‘I am ready for every result.’ My answer to him was, ‘Don’t give up. God can grant us with his miracles. Maybe we will see one.’ And we have seen one.”