Over 80 pct of influenza cases in Türkiye caused by H3N2 virus: Expert

Over 80 pct of influenza cases in Türkiye caused by H3N2 virus: Expert


The influenza cases in Türkiye have skyrocketed in the last four weeks, with the H3N2 virus causing nearly 84 percent of all cases, said an expert from Turk Thorax Association.

“The rest of the cases are due to H1N1 virus, known as the swine flu,” Filiz Çağla Uyanusta Küçük said in an interview with the daily Milliyet on Dec. 22.

H3N2 virus, known as the Hong Kong virus, is a subtype of viruses that causes influenza. H3N2 viruses can infect birds and mammals. In birds, humans, and pigs, the virus has mutated into many strains. In years in which H3N2 is the predominant strain, there are more hospitalizations.

The spread of the influenza viruses has accelerated as the use of face masks ended and the pandemic measures were lifted, the expert added.

Nagehan Emiralioğlu Ordukaya, another doctor from the association, recommended people to be administrated with flu vaccines.

“The best way to protect from influenza is to get a jab,” Ordukaya said and added: “The World Health Organization wants all those in high-risk groups to be inoculated.”

When asked about the high-risk groups, the expert listed, “Those over 65, people with heart, lung and kidney diseases.”