Minister voices concern over potential rise in early marriages in quake-hit cities

Minister voices concern over potential rise in early marriages in quake-hit cities


Family and Social Services Minister Mahinur Özdemir Göktaş has highlighted the looming possibility of an upsurge in early and forced marriages in earthquake-affected regions in the upcoming period.

Göktaş revealed that he has been directed to formulate a local action plan specifically tailored for these provinces to tackle this pressing concern.

Responding to a parliamentary inquiry put forth by Sümeyye Boz, a deputy from the Green Left Party (YSP), Göktaş disclosed that a total of 668 boys and a staggering 11,520 girls were wedded last year.

The minister underscored the legal provisions surrounding early marriages, noting that individuals aged 16 or above could marry under the discretion of a judge in exceptional circumstances and with justifiable cause. Additionally, individuals aged 17 or older could marry with parental consent.

She elaborated, "The data indicates that the percentage of those who entered wedlock at ages 16-17 in 2022 was 0.12 percent for boys and 2 percent for girls."

Drawing a connection between earthquake-impacted regions and a high incidence of early marriages, Göktaş emphasized that the correlation could lead to a surge in early and coerced marriages in these regions due to factors such as economic hardship and limited access to education in the aftermath of the deadly tremors.

Göktaş revealed that some earthquake-struck provinces — namely Adana, Adıyaman, Elazığ, Osmaniye and Malatya — lacking a localized anti-early marriage action plan, have been issued a directive to create a comprehensive "action plan for combating early and forced marriages."

The minister detailed the timeline for plan implementation. The provinces of Adana, Elazığ and Osmaniye, which sustained partial earthquake effects, were granted until May 15, while Malatya and Adıyaman were extended until Sept. 30. As of now, the action plans for Elazığ and Osmaniye have been activated, while efforts are ongoing in Malatya and Adıyaman, she said.

Moreover, earthquake-affected provinces that already possess an established action plan — Diyarbakır, Gaziantep, Hatay, Kahramanmaraş, Kilis, and Şanlıurfa — were encouraged to consider the unique circumstances faced by citizens impacted by the earthquakes as they execute their local plans.

The minister shared an improving trend in the fight against early marriages, indicating a decrease of 1,648 cases, equivalent to 13 percent, compared to the previous year.

"The decline in underage marriages, particularly for girls, has persisted for over a decade. In 2005, during the peak of early marriages, 51,944 girls were wed. This figure has seen a remarkable reduction of 78 percent by 2022," she elaborated.