‘Life repairer’ this time creates prosthetic artificial legs for disabled lamb

‘Life repairer’ this time creates prosthetic artificial legs for disabled lamb

MARDİN – Doğan News Agency

A man in the southeastern province of Mardin, dubbed the “life repairer” in the Turkish media for making walkers and prosthetic limbs for animals using makeshift means, has now created a walker for a lamb with two paralyzed hind legs. 

Hasan Kızıl, 23, who lives in the Derik district of Mardin, made headlines last year for his creative ability to give animals a chance to start walking again. He is said to have helped a total of 300 animals to walk again so far.

Kızıl told the Doğan News Agency that a local man in the same district recently got in touch with him as he did not want to slaughter his paralyzed lamb.

“I went to the village and took the lamb’s measurements. As I was taking the measurements all the other lambs were running to their mothers, while the paralyzed lamb was standing alone,” Kızıl said.

“But when I fixed the walker onto the lamb it ran to its mother. It was a very moving experience. I am trying to help as many disabled animals as possible in Turkey. I’m working day and night to help all disabled animals to walk,” he added.

His main goal is to develop bionic feet using biosensor technology for animals that cannot use their forelegs.

Kızıl is currently preparing for university entrance exams and wants to become a veterinarian in order to be able to deal with animals more closely.

He was one of the recipients of this year’s 4th International Benevolence Awards. At a ceremony organized by Turkey’s Religious Affairs Directorate (Diyanet) in the capital Ankara on March 13 seven people from different parts of the world received awards for their contribution to humanity. They were chosen from 1,500 stories of benevolence from around the world.