Hürriyet awards colleagues for success in journalism

Hürriyet awards colleagues for success in journalism


Hürriyet marked the end of 2018 with a prize ceremony on Dec. 27, awarding journalists for successful news coverage and praising employees who worked decades at the newspaper. 

Several colleagues were awarded for their news reports, photographs and videos in various branches of journalism and products on social media.

“The essence of our job is news-reporting, and every added value matters for us,” said Demirören Media Group and Hürriyet Executive Board Chair Mehmet Soysal at the ceremony at Hürriyet headquarters in Istanbul.

“Each phase of journalism, from picking a headline to taking photographs, page design to video content, adds value and privilege to our news reports. I wish further success to our colleagues from both Hürriyet newspaper and hurriyet.com.tr, who have been awarded for their performances,” he said, praising the sense of corporate identity in the company.

Soysal said he wished experienced colleagues’ commitment to their job would inspire new and dynamic journalists on board.

Colleagues who have worked for 40, 35, 30, 25, 20 and 10 years were awarded in separate categories, with Hürriyet executives and columnists presenting their prizes.

Veteran colleagues who have been qualified for a pension were also presented plaques on the occasion of the ceremony.

Demirören Media Group employees enjoyed an end-of-year party after the ceremony.