CHP leader vows to open a new, beautiful page for Türkiye with opposition leaders

CHP leader vows to open a new, beautiful page for Türkiye with opposition leaders


Türkiye has to open a new and beautiful page and that is why the leaders of the six political parties came together in an alliance, the main opposition leader has said, vowing speedy economic and democratic development of the country when they come to power.

“We have to turn a new page, a beautiful page. The main objective of the unity of the six leaders is this. We are together and demanding democracy. We all want to live in comfort,” Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, the leader of the Republican People’s Party (CHP) said at an event organized by the Ankara Municipality on late Jan. 22.

The politicians should better make peace and quit fighting, Kılıçdaroğlu said, underlining that it is time for making Türkiye a much more developed nation.

“This country should be a welfare nation. Türkiye will speedily become a welfare nation when the resources are carefully used and politicians give an account for all the expenditures,” he suggested.

CHP leader stressed that the main responsibility of the politicians is to resolve the problems and not to create fresh one, saying “Until now, the politicians produced just problems. Afterwards, we will focus on how to find solutions to the problems. This is going to be the key point of the mental change.”

Recalling that 11 metropolitan municipalities, including Istanbul, Ankara and İzmir are being governed by the oppositional mayors, Kılıçdaroğlu said the continuation of this requires sustainability. “Our mayors have their jobs for five years and they will sustain their good services. They will embrace everyone. And this new philosophy of ours will mark in our history.”

Meanwhile, Ankara Mayor Mansur Yavaş, who has often been mentioned as one of the potential presidential candidates, stressed that he would like to honor Kılıçdaroğlu as the 13th president during the opening ceremony of a massive park in the Turkish capital later this year.

Kılıçdaroğlu is regarded as one of the strongest presidential candidates of the oppositional alliance although there is no certainty on when the joint nominee will be announced. Türkiye will go to the presidential and parliamentary polls on May 14.