550 terrorists 'neutralized' in Syria op: Defense Ministry

550 terrorists 'neutralized' in Syria op: Defense Ministry

ANKARA-Anadolu Agency

A total of 550 PKK/PYD-YPG terrorists have been “neutralized” since the start of Turkey's anti-terror operation in northern Syria, the National Defense Ministry said on Oct. 14.

Turkish authorities often use the word "neutralized" to imply the terrorists in question surrendered or were killed or captured.

The ministry updated the figure in a Twitter post.

As part of the operation the strategic M4 highway that connects the Syrian districts of Manbij and Qamishli and was under the occupation of terrorists has been taken to control, the ministry said in a written statement on Oct. 13.

"As a result of the successful operations carried out within the scope of the Operation Peace Spring, the control of the M4 highway that is 30-35 kilometers (19-22 miles) long is taken to control," the statement read.

The highway, also known as the Aleppo-Al Hasakah road, is at about 30 kilometers (19 miles) from Turkey's border.

The YPG / PKK uses the road for logistics and commercial activities.

Furthermore, the number of villages in northern Syria liberated from the terrorist group YPG/PKK by Turkey’s Operation Peace Spring rose to 42 on Oct. 13.

With this latest figure, the Tal Abyad and Ras Al-Ayn districts were declared cleared of terrorists.

Turkey-backed Syrian National Army(SNA) is combing the areas to ensure safety.

As Turkey's operations continue successfully, 24 terrorists surrendered to Turkish security forces, according to reliable local sources.